A message from Rev. Dr Jooseop Keum, General Secretary of CWM

It is with a heavy heart that I write to you today following the catastrophic landslide that has devastated the remote villages in the Enga Province of Papua New Guinea. This tragedy, which struck the six villages in the Maip Mulitaka area early last Friday morning while most were asleep, has resulted in a significant loss of life, with many people still unaccounted for.

As we gather in prayer, we bring before you the grim reality:

  • Approximately 4000 people called these villages home.
  • 140 houses have been buried under the rubble.
  • An estimated 2000 individuals are believed to be trapped beneath the debris.
  • Nearly 670 lives have been lost.

The rugged terrain of these remote parts makes rescue efforts and aid delivery extremely challenging. Despite these difficulties, local villagers are doing their utmost to find and save survivors, though their chances diminish with each passing hour.

In this time of profound grief and urgent need, we call upon all churches to join in fervent prayer and compassionate action. We implore the community of faith to respond to this tragedy with an outpouring of prayer, compassion, and support. Let us stand together in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Papua New Guinea.

Merciful God, we come with hearts full of grief and compassion for the people of Papua New Guinea.

We bring before You the communities devastated by the recent landslide and those engaged in the rescue efforts. We mourn with our brothers and sisters in the Enga Province and pray that much-needed aid and rescue will reach these communities in time. We pray for the discovery of more survivors and for the reunion of families.  

Loving God, we ask for Your protection and provision for those who have lost loved ones, homes, and livelihoods. Surround them with Your love and grant them strength to endure this tragedy. Bring comfort to those with broken hearts and peace to those filled with fear and anxiety. We pray for our brothers and sisters in the United Church in Papua New Guinea, that they may be a beacon of hope and a source of comfort. Bless their efforts, as well as those of the national and local governments, medical staff, and all volunteers tirelessly working to provide aid and relief.

Grant them wisdom, patience, and resilience as they serve their communities. We also call on the government and churches to urgently attend to the disaster in Maip Mulitaka. We urge all citizens to kneel together in prayer for the affected areas and to offer aid or assistance in any way possible.   Lord of healing, in the face of destruction and loss, may Your presence be profoundly felt. Let Your love flow through every helping hand and every act of kindness. Help the people of Papua New Guinea to rebuild their lives and communities with courage and faith.

We also ask You to heal all creation and living things in Maip Mulitaka. Restore the land and the environment that has been ravaged by this disaster. Let Your healing touch reach every creature affected, renewing and sustaining life amid this devastation. We trust in Your unfailing love and mercy, believing that You can bring beauty from ashes and hope from despair. Our hope and faith remain in Christ our Lord.  

May Your light shine brightly in Papua New Guinea, now and always. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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