The aim of Women’s Network is to educate, to serve and to campaign and to stimulate local groups to work in different ways. The Women’s Network has a great potential, from raising awareness about subjects to nurturing connections and supporting specific enterprises.

The aim of the Women’s Network is to connect the groups that meet around the country with each other, sharing news, resources and ideas. So that the network can function more effectively, each district has been asked to appoint a contact so that all regular news and information can be disseminated to all areas and also to be able to report any local activity back to the network.


The hope is through having a contact in all parts of the country, that this will in turn reinforce the network, which has already been supporting successful campaigns.

The network has been working with charities that deal with domestic violence, and a number of groups are continuing to collect useful provisions for refuges and centres. A campaign was also organised to support the Welsh Government’s scheme to encourage and reach a target of a million Welsh speakers by 2050. During the Madagascar Appeal   (2018–19) the network specifically supported the women’s refuge in Madagascar’s capitol city, Antananarivo.

During 2019–20 it was the network’s aim to support asylum seekers in Wales by promoting the work already underway in Wales offering accommodation and welcoming people and their families into our midst. Here is a clip of Elin Jones, AM, giving her approval to the campaign.

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